Happy for me, sad for my kids.....getting out of my marriage, getting on with my life.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just call me Sybil

I know it is not nice to poke fun at those with multiple personality disorder. But I'd swear I had it sometimes. I go from strong, confident, and positive to blubbery, anxious, panicky, and flipped out in about 24 seconds. If that. Something as simple as not being able to get in touch with my husband around lunchtime can set me off. And I KNOW it's stupid...but it doesn't stop me.

As hokey as this rubberband-on-the-wrist thing sounds, it actually kind of works. Emphasis on "kind of". Sometimes I am too flipped out to remember to snap it.

My head is not a fun place to be sometimes.


e.beck.artist said...

i once wore a rubber band ... i can't remember why i was wearing it ... i do know that whatever i was wearing it for, it didn't work!! ha ....

shrink on the couch said...

not stupid. repeat, not stupid. everything you are going through sounds very average, very normal, very typical for someone recovering from infidelity. definately the opposite of stupid, which would be to take his apology and promises without a backwards glance.