Happy for me, sad for my kids.....getting out of my marriage, getting on with my life.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Still plugging along

I don't really have much to say....don't really feel like blogging....but I am still making it day by day. Still not sure where this journey will take me, but I'll know when I get there.

I LOVE our new counselor. LOVE LOVE LOVE him. I can't say enough how much I love him. Did I mention that I love him? :) No beating around the bush, no long stories about other people we don't give a shit about, no brushing things under the rug, no ignoring things that need to be addressed. He is to the point. He is working very hard to help DH understand how badly he's damaged things, and how hard he needs to work to "fix" them if he wants to.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found someone that you really like. I hope hubby likes him too. I hope things are progressing for you.

e.beck.artist said...

i think and wonder and worry about you a lot ....
glad you like the new guy .... e

Isle Dance said...

FAB.u.LOUS! :o)

Vodka Mom said...

you inspire me. Should I discuss my husband's lapse of judgement? I feel a blog coming on.

I DID learn to never, never judge anyone else - not until you've been pushed headfirst in front of that same bus that hit them.

I'm still healing- and it's been 7 years. good luck

Trying real hard to move on said...

Hi Vodka...I'll go check out your blog.

I am now seeing wonderful counselor on my own. I am divorcing at some point.

I give up.

Isle Dance said...

Good for you.