Happy for me, sad for my kids.....getting out of my marriage, getting on with my life.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

One day at a time....

...this is how I live my life these days. I take it one day at a time. Most days are decent. Most days I actually feel pretty happy. The lows are less low and take me less time to recover.

I like our new therapist. He doesn't seem to be afraid to say things that need to be said. And heard. For both of us. He asks pertinent questions. The old one used to fixate on DH's resentment on a myriad of issues, some of which I think are really stupid....but they are his feelings and he is entitled to them no matter what my opinion is. New guy tells him that he needs his own therapist to help him deal with it.

I was reading some posts the other day on a message board I go to. Someone asked the question "what's the worst thing that's ever happened to you?" I would have to say this whole ordeal is my worst thing. But some of the other responses were heartbreaking....my grief and pain and sadness pales in comparison. I guess no matter what, things can always be worse.


Isle Dance said...

I like the sounds of your new therapist. Sounds like he gets right to the point. Good for you. :o)

Trying real hard to move on said...

I am liking him a lot more too. Now I'm kind of kicking myself that we stuck with the old one for so long. She was fine half the time, and the other half of the time I left there wanting to smack her. :) I never felt like she recognized or validated my feelings at all. I don't expect DH to be scolded but fact is, we are there because he did something really horrible that has damaged our marriage possibly beyond repair....no way around that.

Isle Dance said...

You said it. Well done. If there's that icky feeling about things, something needs to change. And if everyone acts like the person who needs to change, is the person who didn't commit the crime, well that's just wrong.

shrink on the couch said...

I'm so glad you're having lots of better days with lows that have a faster recovery. And bravo for the better therapist.

e.beck.artist said...

well a better therapist sure must be a relief ..... i hadn't checked in on you for a while since you said you wouldn't be blogging so much ... i think it's great you are taking classes .....