Happy for me, sad for my kids.....getting out of my marriage, getting on with my life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Finally grew a set....

....and called the counselor. Got his voicemail, which made me quite happy. That's what avoiding someone is all about, you know...catching the voicemail instead of the actual person. :P I know I didn't HAVE to call him. I could just continue to avoid him and I'm sure I wouldn't hear from him again. But I don't know....I just have a hard time with being a wimp like that.

Anyway....I admitted that I had been avoiding him because I thought he would not approve of what I'm doing....but we had been seeing a new couples counselor, both DH alone and the two of us together, and I'm focusing on that right now. I told him that I am fine, that things are actually going fairly okay at the moment and that if I need him in the future I will call to reschedule.

I know I've been totally overthinking this whole situation....but I do feel better that I did something I've been avoiding for a while.


Isle Dance said...

Great thing to do. Way to go.

shrink on the couch said...

good job. take that off your list of "things to avoid" : )