Happy for me, sad for my kids.....getting out of my marriage, getting on with my life.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Still plugging along....

....I will not go into details....in no mood to.....but there've been lots of ups and downs. Very unsure of where things are going. I am taking it one day at a time.

New developments I DO want to talk about: 1) we are seeing a new therapist starting on Tuesday. We got dumped/were about to fire our old one. I went for a male perspective this time. Actually, I had planned to go alone after DH and I had a conversation where he accused me of "forcing" him to go to counseling. So my attitude was "fine...don't go". Last week he called and asked me where we stood with counseling. I said I was looking for someone (didn't mention that it was for me) and he said good, he thinks we still need it, what did I think? 2) I am starting a class at the community college. The whole job search was overwhelming for me. I feel terribly unqualified for anything. So I'm taking an intro to Excel, Microsoft Word, and Powerpoint. It's an online class....I won't even need to go to the campus for anything. I would like to take the next class when I'm done with this one. I'm actually looking forward to getting started tomorrow morning! Hopefully when I'm done I'll able to call myself proficient, at least in those 3 things! :)


Isle Dance said...

Good for YOU. :o)

Anonymous said...

Yes, good for you on taking the class or classes. I'm sorry that things are rough, I think it's hard for a long while but I do think it gets better. I imagine his guilt probably makes him act sort of pitiful sometimes or defensive. I don't think it's against you but rather he doesn't know how to be himself anymore. I'm sure you're having a hard time figuring out how to be yourself after all fo this too. Keep on plugging and realize that a year from now much of the hardest work will be behind you. Whatever happens you will be ok.

Nice to hear you're still going to therapy and plugging along.

shrink on the couch said...

glad you're back! good luck with the new shrink and the computer apps classes.