Happy for me, sad for my kids.....getting out of my marriage, getting on with my life.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I think I am having panic attacks. Or maybe they're anxiety attacks. Are they the same?

Past 2 nights I've woken up with a super tight feeling my chest, feel like I can't breathe, and am just scared to death.. Of what....I don't know. Neither time have I remembered a bad dream I was having. I am able to calm myself down and then I'm fine.


Unknown said...

sounds like panic attacks. a low dose of anti anxiety meds will help

Isle Dance said...

See a doctor. (I used to get them, and get rid of them by dealing with the emotional source.)

shrink on the couch said...

chronic stress, worry, on-the-brink of life changing decisions.. all of these are precursors, so it wouldn't be at all surprising.

the main thing is full, emptying exhales. full inhales, followed by full exhales. aerobic exercise (by day) is a good way to help, too. (just what you didn't want to hear, huh?)

Anonymous said...

You haven't blogged in a while. I hope all is well & positive with you!