Happy for me, sad for my kids.....getting out of my marriage, getting on with my life.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hi ho, hi ho....it's back to work I go.....

...despite saying I'm making no rash decision....I am pretty sure I'm going back to work.

Started out innocently enough. My friend works at the junior high and is dying for me to take a secretarial position when this lady retires at the end of the year. The job would be perfect for me....my kids' schedule would be the same as mine (days off-wise), two of my kids would be at the same school complex for three years so could go to and from school with me every day, 6 weeks off in the summer. Then I found out what the base salary is. $22K. About $100 a week. Ugh. That is just not worth it.

So....I've started working on my resume the last couple days to apply for some government jobs. I figure I could probably work part-time and make $22K.

I may wait until September though. Then I wouldn't have to deal with this summer....next summer Kid #1 will be driving so at least the kids wouldn't be trapped here all summer while I was at work.

But....for various reasons I think it might be a good idea. I have too much time on my hands. I am busy but when I get down, I let things slide and I do too much thinking and I have plenty of time to do it. I also hate to think that somewhere down the road I might really need a job urgently, and it's easier to get a job when you already have one.

Other stuff from today.....I read a book early in this whole ordeal called "After the Affair". I read through it pretty quickly and then set it aside. I went back and re-read parts of it today because some of it apples to later, rather than the first-finding-out stage. I'm glad I did....got a lot of insight into some of what's going on with me now.


shrink on the couch said...

boy is life gonna change for hubby-poo when you work. obviously for you, but him too. i get the feeling you take care of nearly all things domestic.

Trying real hard to move on said...

Yep, I do. I take care of all of that, rarely to never asking for any help. But he's a big boy....he knows how to pitch in when he's needed.

e.beck.artist said...

wow ... big going ons .... but it seems important to get your resume ducks in a row ..... and figure out where you might stand salary-wise .... smart of you, really ....