Happy for me, sad for my kids.....getting out of my marriage, getting on with my life.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Another good weekend

We had another good weekend....no drama, no trauma, no tears (well, I did cry a little here and there by myself, but not because of anything new that's happened recently- just a little sad at times over things....completely natural I'm sure), no fighting, no nothing.

We had an interesting thing happen on Fri evening. He came home from work and pretty much as soon as he walked in he said "I need to tell you something....I accidentally brought my Blackberry home. It's in my briefcase and it's turned off." I said okay, and that was it. Doesn't sound like a big deal but actually it's HUGE. It stayed in his briefcase all weekend and as far as I know, he didn't touch it. We actually had an argument, a pretty bad one, over that several weeks ago because he had accidentally brought it home and instead of telling me, left it in his car. When he thought I was going to get in his car for something, he started acting all weird....so I asked him if it was in there. He had not meant to bring it home and then didn't know what the best thing to do was after he discovered it. I told him in that situation, the thing to do is bring it in the house, put it somewhere, and don't touch it the rest of the weekend. I told him that the fact that he brought it home doesn't really bother me.....it's when he is using it all the time, taking it with him when he leaves, etc. So I think he handled it perfectly this time.

1 comment:

shrink on the couch said...

I like it that the blackberry has been banished and is losing potency in your mind. Yay for your husband that he's being upfront. Yay for you that speaking up is having an impact!