Happy for me, sad for my kids.....getting out of my marriage, getting on with my life.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Time really DOES heal all wounds

Well I wouldn't say I'm HEALED. Far from it. But when I think of mental state now vs. 2 months ago, a month ago, even 2 weeks ago....what a difference. I still have a lot of the same thoughts that bothered me before, but they bother me less, and less often. They are now simply thoughts rather than obsessions.

The last week or so has been pretty good for me. I feel more like my old self than I have in weeks. I'm sad when I think of things I don't like to think about, but for the most part I think I might actually be happy again. Not euphoric, blissfully happy....but just happy, not miserable, mind not racing. It's nice.

1 comment:

shrink on the couch said...

Hooray. Enjoy these better times. You've earned them!